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Understanding Google’s Knowledge Panel
Open a new browser window, go to Google and type in a topic you’d like to search. Anything at all.
When you click the enter key to begin your search, the page will bring you a long list of results directly under the topic bar. But look to the right of the page: See all that new, dedicated information on the same topic? Maybe a little history, maybe some nearby locations that offer whatever it is you’re looking for; maybe, if it’s a song or band, some information on the artist and their discography.
That box on the right-hand side of the page is called a Knowledge Panel. It’s a handy tool to enrich your search, offer new and more detailed information with easy access to related topics. The Knowledge Panel can link to related articles, nearby businesses, details on country of origin, almost anything at all that Google feels is pertinent to your search and might be of use to the viewer. The idea of the Knowledge Panel is to offer quick previews of additional information along with images, maps and other visual elements, powered by Google’s Knowledge Graph.
Google says these panels are automatically generated with input from subject matter experts and, in some cases, businesses that have an established authority on the topic. But if you — or your company — is depicted in one of these panels, you can claim the panel and suggest changes in what is shown therein, by becoming a verified company and making changes directly.
How Google prioritizes information
There are three factors Google’s algorithm considers when looking for items to include in a Knowledge Panel: The confidence it has in correctly understanding the information pertaining to the entity or business; the probability that users are looking for this specific item; and whether the information it can present to the user will be helpful.
Google, in its original patent, saw itself as serving one or more of four key uses: providing basic factual information from multiple sources about a search; helping users find sources that include links to other useful sources for a more in-depth result; supply the user with easy access to overlapping and far-reaching points of information and data that would otherwise require searching out separate sites; and make the searching process faster and more efficient than if they had to find individual websites one at a time. Knowledge Panels bring all those goals to a single point and make them all accessible at once.
Consider your options to be included on a Knowledge
There’s also the possibility of setting up a Business Profile on Google, which appears on search pages in a similar setup to Knowledge Panel, but is essentially a small company profile.
Knowledge Panels are an important tool to have access to: Google’s algorithm could highlight your company or firm, putting your name in front of thousands of eyes whenever a topic is searched. Inclusion in a Knowledge Panel establishes your company as an expert in the area, providing easy access to your website with a single click, saving curious viewers the trouble of scrolling down the page. If someone’s specifically looking for your company’s name, this serves it up on a silver cyber platter.
If you’re looking for more advice on how to corner the market and establish your business page to get more credibility on Google, or for new marketers to help promote your company, contact Method Recruiting. We’re ready to provide our expertise for your benefit and we’re just a call away.
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